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Recently, many people have encountered a problem when trying to use the Pinduoduo app to help their friends. When they attempt to do so, they find that the Pinduoduo app does not allow them to help. This is because of the new rules set by Pinduoduo, which limit the amount of help that can be provided to others. The rules state that users can only help up to three friends per day. This is to prevent people from taking advantage of the system, by helping the same people over and over again. This has caused some confusion among users, who are unsure of why they cannot help their friends. However, this rule is in place to ensure that all users have an equal chance to benefit from Pinduoduo’s services. Fortunately, there are other ways to help your friends. For example, you can post a link to your friend’s Pinduoduo page on your own social media accounts. This will allow your friends to access the page and benefit from it. You can also use the “share” button on the Pinduoduo app to share the page with your friends. This will allow your friends to access the page and benefit from it as well. In conclusion, Pinduoduo’s new rules have made it difficult for users to help their friends. However, there are still ways to help, such as posting links to the page on social media, or using the “share” button on the Pinduoduo app.






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